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Hello! I'm Michele, Founder of Neat Little Nest. Here I share my passion for creating beautifully organized spaces with the goal of helping people simplify their lives.
I hope you find some inspiration.

Michele Vig
May 28, 20203 min read
school's out! decluttering + organizing school supplies and papers
Kids bring home a lot of papers all year long — from artwork and worksheets to awards and report cards. Come May or June, depending on...
649 views9 comments

Michele Vig
May 20, 20204 min read
five bite-size organizing projects you can finish in a weekend
We are on the heels of Memorial Day and while this holiday weekend is typically filled with larger family gatherings and BBQs, this year...
743 views8 comments

Michele Vig
May 14, 20205 min read
COVID-19 reflections | 10 lessons I've learned
Our collective world has been absolutely turned upside down with the current global COVID-19 pandemic. For most of us, our lives have become
522 views8 comments

Michele Vig
May 8, 20203 min read
why I've struggled keeping my home tidy
For as long as I can remember, I have been someone who moves at a fast pace. While doing so has served me well in certain areas of my...
585 views8 comments

Michele Vig
Apr 28, 20204 min read
the art of folding clothes
Folding clothes is a task that many of us learned to do in a very informal way likely from your mother or grandmother. The way my mother...
1,950 views87 comments

Michele Vig
Apr 21, 20204 min read
three reasons your home is disorganized
Professional organization Michele Vig of Neat Little Nest shares the three reasons why your home is not organized.
1,401 views8 comments

Michele Vig
Apr 10, 20204 min read
weekly reset | how one routine can transform your home
As a professional organizer, I'm often asked what is the one thing I do to keep my home organized and tidy. My answer is usually the same...
6,131 views10 comments

Michele Vig
Apr 2, 20203 min read
working from home | tips for creating + maintaining productive spaces
With COVID-19 top of mind, a majority of us have had to pivot and rethink our living space to accommodate the new reality of working from...
371 views9 comments

Michele Vig
Mar 30, 20204 min read
at-home learning: tips to help your children get organized + navigate e-learning.
In the post coronavirus world, e-learning has become the primary way children are learning across the globe for the time being. Professional
237 views8 comments

Michele Vig
Mar 28, 20203 min read
ready, set, focus! how 15 minutes can transform your life
You can do a lot more than you think in 15 minutes. When you can harness the power of your mind and focus on a task your productivity can go
1,632 views10 comments

Michele Vig
Mar 24, 20204 min read
coping with mind clutter + COVID-19
The world is always in a state of change, but now more than ever the pace of change is unprecedented. As a result of COVID-19 and the...
464 views9 comments

Michele Vig
Mar 19, 20204 min read
breathing new life into your entryway
In their role as gateways to a home, mudrooms and entries are transitional spaces. While entryway closets are usually the main door that...
964 views10 comments

Michele Vig
Mar 14, 20204 min read
spring cleaning + the coronavirus
Spring is a natural time to clean your home and with recent coronavirus news, the importance of cleaning has gone up a notch.
914 views10 comments

Michele Vig
Mar 12, 20206 min read
winter to spring: how to switch out seasonal clothing
Switching out your seasonal clothing has earned the stigma of being a challenge to tackle. The perception is that it is a time consuming...
750 views8 comments

Michele Vig
Mar 5, 20205 min read
spring decluttering + cleaning: a winning duo
The urge to open up the windows and let the invigorating spring breeze come in is felt by many of us this time of year, especially those...
820 views12 comments

Michele Vig
Feb 21, 20206 min read
the power of routines
It has been studied that children function better when their lives are centered around routines, but did you know the same is true for...
782 views14 comments

Michele Vig
Feb 2, 20208 min read
50+ ways to donate, sell or recycle your stuff!
You've done a great job sorting through your things deciding what items you want to keep and you're left with unwanted items. Now what?...
1,568 views111 comments

Michele Vig
Jan 13, 20202 min read
new year, now what?
Ok, so if you're like most people, you've already given up on your New Year's resolutions. Strava, the social network for athletes,...
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Michele Vig
Nov 5, 20193 min read
2020 Neat Little Planner is here!
I'm excited to share that Neat Little Nest's 2020 Neat Little Planner is available! Much like last year, it has a Desired Life Planner...
415 views10 comments

Michele Vig
Sep 30, 20193 min read
spot-treating your laundry situation
For some, laundry is a four-letter word. For a few, it’s a treat. Wherever you fall, laundry can be a nuisance, unless you're organized!
195 views22 comments
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