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Michele Vig, Neat Little Nest Owner + Chief Organizer

Hello! Here I share my passion for creating both beautifully organized + designed spaces. I hope you find some inspiration.


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ready, set, focus! how 15 minutes can transform your life

Updated: Dec 17, 2020

I often hear complaints from clients and followers that the perceived time and energy needed to declutter is simply too overwhelming and they just don’t know where to start. For most, the perception is so deep that it becomes their reality. If you believe that you cannot, then you very likely will not.

At Neat Little Nest we believe that decluttering + organizing need not cause you anxiety or angst. We believe that simple tools can help you declutter your home and help you keep it and other spaces organized.

One simple strategy we share often is called a Focused15. Simplifying the steps to keeping an organized home, albeit a busy lived-in one, is absolutely realistic. Because most people don't have a full day or weekend to spend decluttering + organizing, by choosing bite sized projects on a regular basis, you set yourself up to get things in order over time. And if you’ve already decluttered + organized your home, keeping it tidy with the Focused15 approach is a breeze.

A Focused15 is simply selecting a task you need to get done, setting a timer for 15 minutes and focusing your mind and body to do so.

tap into the power of your mind

The mind is a very powerful tool. If you don’t want to do something, your mind will easily find a whole host of reasons why you can’t or don’t need to especially if you’re tired or spread too thin. On the flip side of the coin, when you can harness your mind in a positive way, what you can achieve is endless.

A Focused15’s goal is to harness your mind’s ability to focus on a single task for a 15 minute spot of time. The philosophy is based on single-tasking which is the practice of dedicating oneself to a particular task, minimizing interruptions until the task is completed or the time has elapsed.

when to do a Focused15

A Focused15 is a wonderful tool to help you focus your mind and body on a single task. It’s single-tasking at its best! I’m sure you all have areas in your home that take a beating from household traffic and use. Kitchens, bathrooms, entryways and playrooms are just a handful of those examples. If you see a space that needs a little TLC, simply set the timer and get to work.

Personally, I use Focused15s throughout the day whenever my mind needs a little boost to get something across the finish line. I love to use a Focused15 at the end of a day to do a quick reset of the house before we go to bed. Even though I’ve been using the Focused15 strategy for years, I’m still amazed at how much I can accomplish in a mere 15 minutes. Be sure to set a timer so there is no need to glance at a clock.

the application for a Focused15 is infinite

In the morning - a Focused15 could allow for cleaning up breakfast, lunch prep/making, emptying a dishwasher or putting a load of laundry in.

In the evening - a Focused15 could allow for straightening up an entryway, putting toys or clothing away, cleaning up after dinner, or sorting through mail.

Decluttering - a Focused15 is a helpful tool for decluttering + organizing smaller categories or spaces such as:

  • Medicine Cabinet

  • Linen Closet

  • Spice Rack

  • Cooking Utensils

  • Cleaning Supplies

  • Jewelry

  • Cosmetics

  • Bags/Purses

  • Socks

  • Car

By incorporating Focused15s into your “get things done toolkit”, it organically strengthens your decluttering mental muscle. When your 15 minutes is up, voila, pat yourself on the back and come back to do it again whenever you feel like you need to focus. Over time, it simply becomes a habit. 15 minutes. You’ve got this.

P.S. If you have a Focused15 success, please tag Neat Little Nest on Instagram so we can share with the community!

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