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Hello! I'm Michele, Founder of Neat Little Nest. Here I share my passion for creating beautifully organized spaces with the goal of helping people simplify their lives.
I hope you find some inspiration.

Michele Vig
Nov 23, 20214 min read
reducing mental clutter this holiday season
The holiday season can be an exhausting and stressful time of year as you run here, there and everywhere to check off all of your to-dos,...
703 views120 comments

Michele Vig
Nov 15, 20212 min read
a DIY gratitude jar
I think we would all collectively agree with the idea that showing or expressing gratitude is important—and that establishing a regular...
540 views68 comments

Michele Vig
Nov 9, 20214 min read
curb post-holiday clutter now
It happens to all of us - that moment in late December or early January when you look around your house and see the accumulation of...
731 views69 comments

Michele Vig
Oct 4, 20214 min read
the 2022 Neat Little Planner is here!
Have trouble keeping track of to-dos, tasks, meal planning, and general notes and goals? Have lots of notebooks, but can never find the...
883 views57 comments

Michele Vig
Sep 21, 20215 min read
10 techniques to help decrease mental clutter
Mental noise - also called inner monologue - is that voice which provides an oftentimes ongoing verbal whirlwind of your conscious (and...
807 views46 comments

Michele Vig
Sep 16, 20216 min read
meal planning for those who dislike cooking
As a wife, a mom and a business owner, I wear many different hats. And of all the hats I wear, the one I like least is chef because...
1,431 views83 comments

Michele Vig
Sep 8, 20216 min read
transformational decluttering
After spending the last few years working with people to help them declutter their homes, one thing I've come to realize about...
1,689 views111 comments

Michele Vig
Aug 11, 20213 min read
the power of putting stuff away
I am often asked if my house is always tidy since I'm an expert in decluttering + organizing. The answer is, for the most part, "yes"!...
1,346 views46 comments

Michele Vig
May 29, 20214 min read
school is almost out for the year: what to do with all of those papers?
I have one child in middle school and another in high school, and as we all know it has been an interesting school year indeed. My kids...
466 views32 comments

Michele Vig
Apr 15, 20213 min read
how single-tasking can improve your productivity
In a world seemingly obsessed with multi-tasking, single-tasking isn't widely popular. While the concept of single-tasking has been...
715 views15 comments

Michele Vig
Apr 8, 20214 min read
recognizing when you're nearing a state of burnout + learning how to bring back balance
For as long as I can remember, I've been a task-master and proud of the number of things I can check off my list and accomplish in a day...
367 views16 comments

Michele Vig
Dec 22, 20203 min read
get a jump start on your 2021 goals
Setting new goals for the upcoming year is always a great way to celebrate the end of one calendar year and the beginning of a new one...
380 views15 comments

Michele Vig
Oct 8, 20203 min read
the 2021 Neat Little Nest Planner is here!
Neat Little Nest has launched its 2021 Planner with all new features to help you keep your days organized and on track!
1,121 views16 comments

Michele Vig
Sep 10, 20203 min read
the daily ritual that changed my life
Neat Little Nest's Michele Vig shares her experience with incorporating daily reflection into her habits to transform her life.
1,183 views22 comments

Michele Vig
Jul 21, 20203 min read
decluttering your habits | breaking cycles that keep you from living your most desired life
Decluttering expert shares thoughts on decluttering your habits to help you live your most desired life.
757 views9 comments

Michele Vig
Jul 10, 20201 min read
my top 10 organizing quotes + sayings
I've always loved inspirational messages, quotes and encouraging words. When I feel the need for a pick me up, an inspirational message...
670 views18 comments

Michele Vig
Jun 13, 20203 min read
small steps to big change
My best friend Caryn is a 2x breast cancer survivor who lights up a room. She has faced much adversity and yet continues to be force of...
234 views11 comments

Michele Vig
Apr 10, 20204 min read
weekly reset | how one routine can transform your home
As a professional organizer, I'm often asked what is the one thing I do to keep my home organized and tidy. My answer is usually the same...
6,131 views10 comments

Michele Vig
Mar 28, 20203 min read
ready, set, focus! how 15 minutes can transform your life
You can do a lot more than you think in 15 minutes. When you can harness the power of your mind and focus on a task your productivity can go
1,632 views10 comments

Michele Vig
Feb 21, 20206 min read
the power of routines
It has been studied that children function better when their lives are centered around routines, but did you know the same is true for...
782 views14 comments
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