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Hello! I'm Michele, Founder of Neat Little Nest. Here I share my passion for creating beautifully organized spaces with the goal of helping people simplify their lives.
I hope you find some inspiration.

Michele Vig
Dec 17, 20204 min read
how I slowed down to declutter my mind
At the height of my corporate career, I was busy. I would rush around from the moment I woke up until I passed out from exhaustion at the...
804 views13 comments

Michele Vig
Dec 10, 20206 min read
lego organization + creator types
Legos are an amazing toy invention, but they require an equally amazing organizing system to keep them from creating chaos in your house.
1,295 views31 comments

Michele Vig
Dec 3, 20203 min read
a pro organizer's holiday gift guide
Professional Organizer Michele Vig of Neat Little Nest shares a few of her organizational favorites to gift to yourself or someone you know.
836 views17 comments

Michele Vig
Nov 25, 20205 min read
decluttering with kids | toy's edition
The playroom - the place where children's joy and parent's frustration often meet up. So many parents desire a clean and organized...
422 views11 comments

Michele Vig
Nov 13, 20203 min read
the fridge - how to organize it, how often and 5 things you could throw out today
With national refrigerator day just around the corner, Neat Little Nest is sharing refrigerator organization ideas to help you transform you
1,050 views17 comments

Michele Vig
Nov 2, 20205 min read
gearing up for winter | seasonal switch
Switching out your seasonal clothing has earned the stigma of being a challenge to tackle. The perception is that it is a time consuming...
485 views9 comments

Michele Vig
Oct 22, 20203 min read
pantry organization | form + function
Organizing a pantry is half art and half science. Neat Little Nest enjoys exploring both aspects when creating beautiful pantry spaces...
2,987 views55 comments

Michele Vig
Oct 13, 20203 min read
decluttering and organizing spices for how you actually cook
Professional organizer Michele Vig shares how to declutter and organize spices in your kitchen for how you actually cook. Michele has helped
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Michele Vig
Oct 8, 20203 min read
the 2021 Neat Little Nest Planner is here!
Neat Little Nest has launched its 2021 Planner with all new features to help you keep your days organized and on track!
1,121 views16 comments

Michele Vig
Sep 23, 20204 min read
paper decluttering + organization
There is one organizing category that most often instills dread and that is paper. Even the mention of spending time decluttering piles, bin
714 views11 comments

Michele Vig
Sep 10, 20203 min read
the daily ritual that changed my life
Neat Little Nest's Michele Vig shares her experience with incorporating daily reflection into her habits to transform her life.
1,183 views22 comments

Michele Vig
Aug 25, 20204 min read
closet organization | kid's edition
Home organization expert Michele Vig of Neat Little Nest shares how to work with your kids to declutter and organize their closet.
477 views8 comments

Michele Vig
Aug 19, 20204 min read
the home office | tips on how to best organize and arrange your space
After several months working from home, I've heard from many of you that you are rethinking your home office spaces. Initially, many...
543 views10 comments

Michele Vig
Aug 4, 20207 min read
20+ back-to-school (or off to college) tips to keep you and your family organized
It's back-to-school and back-to-college season, so we wanted to share our favorite Neat Little Nest organizing tips and ideas to help you...
592 views9 comments

Michele Vig
Jul 30, 20205 min read
Balancing work at home with life and kids
With the COVID-19 pandemic affecting our lives into the foreseeable future, I've have learned that parents (especially moms) are having a...
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Michele Vig
Jul 21, 20203 min read
decluttering your habits | breaking cycles that keep you from living your most desired life
Decluttering expert shares thoughts on decluttering your habits to help you live your most desired life.
757 views9 comments

Michele Vig
Jul 10, 20201 min read
my top 10 organizing quotes + sayings
I've always loved inspirational messages, quotes and encouraging words. When I feel the need for a pick me up, an inspirational message...
670 views18 comments

Michele Vig
Jun 25, 20203 min read
three high-impact tidying tasks I do every day
In an interview I did recently, I was asked what the three most impactful things I do every day to keep my home tidy. Prior to being...
889 views13 comments

Michele Vig
Jun 15, 20203 min read
10 gifts to keep dad organized this Father's Day
Father's Day is just around the corner, people are pondering what to give their dads as gifts this year. Every dad is different so...
348 views13 comments

Michele Vig
Jun 13, 20203 min read
small steps to big change
My best friend Caryn is a 2x breast cancer survivor who lights up a room. She has faced much adversity and yet continues to be force of...
234 views11 comments
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