Michele Vig

Oct 4, 20214 min

the 2022 Neat Little Planner is here!

Updated: Oct 28, 2021

Have trouble keeping track of to-dos, tasks, meal planning, and general notes and goals? Have lots of notebooks, but can never find the one you need? Have you tried to use a small-sized planner without success? If any of those are true for you, then the Neat Little Nest Planner Pages could be a good fit!

Whether you have a fast-moving life, find yourself struggling to stay focused on your tasks or are having a hard time remembering tasks, a planner can help. And finding a planner that works for you is essential however can take trial and error. I know that was true for me.

I created the Neat Little Planner after years of not finding a planner that worked for me. Like previous years, the 2022 Neat Little Planner is a downloadable version which has monthly, weekly and daily planning pages as well as the My Desired Life wheel and worksheets and goal-setting prompts. The planner starts in October 2021, so you can begin right away!

how do I use the Neat Little Planner pages?

The Neat Little Planner are downloadable pages you print and use however works best for you. I use the Neat Little Planner pages with a simple spiral notebook creating my planner similarly to the process of a bullet journal. Others use the pages with a 3-ring binder or just loose. Since the pages are downloadable, you can use them however suits your style.

For me, I glue monthly and weekly planner pages into my spiral notebook, but I hand sketch out the daily pages. When a new month comes, I add a tab to my spiral notebook and glue the new monthly plan pages into the notebook and begin planning!

The biggest benefits for me to this approach is having everything in one spot so I can easily reference calendars, notes and other items and having templates that simplify the planning process.

why are planners important?

If you've always used a planner, the benefits are quite clear. On the other hand, if you're new to planning or are just looking for a better system, below are some of the benefits you can experience.

planners help with time management

If you're often feel rushed and behind the clock, scheduling your time effectively is likely the culprit. Using a planner allows you to look ahead as well as schedule your tasks and appointments to use your time most effectively.

planners can help you improve your productivity

Planners help you stay focused with tasks and appointments. When you take time to scheduled your tasks into your day, you're able to move effectively and efficiently from one task to the next.

planners can help decrease stress

Stress has many forms, but a common denominator is the feeling of being overwhelmed. When you have too many demands, stress kicks in. A planner helps you decrease stress by providing you a place to get your thoughts out of your head and onto paper, allows a place you can reference to decrease the mental load of remembering everything and provides you with an opportunity to set aside time on your calendar for self care.

planners can help you reach your goals

A study conducted by Dr. Gail Matthews, a psychology professor at the Dominican University in California, confirms that you become 42% more likely to achieve your goals and dreams simply by writing them down on a regular basis.

what are the benefits of a paper planner?

Some people have successfully transitioned to a digital planner, but for others a digital calendar hasn't worked as well. For some, the digital planner is too distracting while others are so desensitized to the pop ups, dings and buzzes that they ignore the reminders. If that sounds like you, then consider the benefits below of a paper planner.

paper planners give you a digital break
Taking a minute to plan out your day on paper lets your eyes rest for a while, as well as clears your head from that abundance of information we receive in our mailboxes and social media feeds.

writing stuff down helps you remember better
Writing by hand makes you formulate your plans and to-do’s better. Research suggests that the physical action of writing simulates a section of your brain that turns on maximum focus mode. Also, once you write down a goal, your brain will be working overtime to make you pay attention and remember.

writing stuff down reduces stress
Studies show a link between writing things down by hand and mindfulness. In stress therapy, it is often advised to keep a journal exactly because of the activity’s healing properties. Writing your thoughts down helps you sort out your thoughts because of the effort it takes actually write them down on paper. You're able to process them and then it becomes less stressful to deal with them appropriately.

I know the path to finding a planner that works for you can be a hard one. However you choose to use the pages of the planner, they are intended for you to make yours in a way that works for YOU. I'm so excited to share the 2022 Neat Little Planner and hope it can help you as much as it has helped me!

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