Michele Vig

Nov 5, 20193 min

2020 Neat Little Planner is here!

Updated: Feb 12, 2020

I'm excited to share that Neat Little Nest's 2020 Neat Little Planner is available! Much like last year, it has a Desired Life Planner Spread, Monthly Planner Spreads as well as Weekly + Daily pages, but there have been some updates as well.

One of the biggest changes is that the 2020 Neat Little starts in October 2019, so you can download it and start using it TODAY!

I created the Neat Little Planner after I'd personally fell in love with bullet journaling, but learned not everyone loved it like I did. I learned that while I loved a bullet journal for its blankness and endless creative possibilities, others preferred a planner with prompts so they could just fill it in rather than start out with a blank sheet. A blank sheet was too overwhelming and took too much time.

I combined decades of trying different frameworks and planners in corporate America with my love of a bullet journal to create this year's Neat Little Planner.

It starts with VISION

A study conducted by Dr. Gail Matthews, a psychology professor at the Dominican University in California, found that you become 42% more likely to achieve your goals and dreams simply by writing them down on a regular basis. ​The My Desired Life wheel has been updated in 2020 to focus on six focus areas. Also included is a definition sheet for each area to help you really dig deeply into what you might want to see if your life.

Then it's about PLANNING

With your vision in hand, the Monthly Success Planner provides a framework for you to plan out a month. It has space for you to write a vision statement along with a solid framework for writing down what's important, what's urgent, and what can wait. Additionally, the Monthly Planner Spread gives you a sneak peak at what's coming up and space to reflect on your accomplishments.

With your monthly focus clear, it is easier to divide work into the tasks you need to accomplish in a week. The Weekly Success Planner provides you with a framework to help you focus on what you'd like to accomplish in one week's time. There is space for you to plan out your work, brainstorm meals, track habits, take notes and write down an inspirational message to help motivate you for the week!​

The Daily Success Planner helps you focus on two important areas each day - gratitude and to-do's. Gratitude is included in the daily planner as studies have shown the benefits of a daily gratitude practice including an overall feeling of happiness and less depression. Isn't that what we're all looking for? There is also space for you to write down the lists of tasks you need to accomplish and space for an inspirational message to start the day and space to write your thoughts on how the day went at the end.​

Make it YOURS

What I love most about a printable planner are the many possibilities to make it your own.

Personally, I use the printable pages in combination with a spiral bound notebook that has a front pocket to hold my receipts and other important docs I want on the go. I use a craft glue stick to put select printable pages into the notebook and then use the blank pages for other things like notes, daily tasks, brain dumps and the like.

I've heard from others who have the printable planner that they like to use a 3-hole binder where they can decorate the cover or add pages inside however they need. Others print out the weekly calendar and post it in their office each week.

However you choose to use the pages of the planner, they are intended for you to make yours in a way that works for YOU.

I'm so excited to share the updates for this planner and hope you love them as much as I do.
